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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

WOYWW and Happy Birthday !!!!!

Hey it's Wednesday AGAIN time for WOYWW!!!!!

There's not a lot of crafty stuff going on at my place today.  I'm in the middle of a big sort out - not a moment too soon either !!!

A swing to the left

and a swing to the right

Here's my two fur babies cuddling up.  I'm sure they'll be busy "helping" with the sorting later!!!

Today is hubby's 40th Birthday - Happy Birthday!!!!!

(BTW - This isn't really my hubby - honest !!!)
I've got the day off work, and being the well trained hubby he is, we're popping out later to a fab craft shop so I can spend some money - Please don't ask how I managed to train him so well, it's a mystery to me too LOL!!!

Just a reminder, today is the last day for entering my Candy.  You have until midnight GMT.  Click HERE to enter.

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope you all have a great day, I'll update you on my crafty purchases later.



  1. Whaaaa, what a nice "picture" of your hubby, but I think he looks a lot younger. Congratulations and have a nice day.


  2. Fantastisch!!!Prachtige man heb je!LOL!
    Genet van je shoppen en van de verjaardagstaart!!! Veel liefs,Celia.

  3. aww cute hubby ahhahhaa. but anyway tell him a blog reader of yours said happy birthday :D

  4. Ooh! forget the craft stash those cats are just too cute! :)

  5. Happy Birthday to your hubby.

  6. have fun with your sortout. you have some fab looking shelves and boxes there.
    happy birthday to your husband.
    Mine buys me craft stuff too, he's realy good at finding Fiskars punches and other quality products for peanuts.

  7. Well it all looks quite sorted to me Penni!! I do put off sorting yself, the knock-on sorting it forces me to do is a killer!!
    Happy returns to Mr Penni, he's a baby. Hope you have a fun celebration!

  8. What is there to sort out??? It looks fine to me! How on earth did you get your hubby to buy YOU stuff for HIS birthday???? Ha, ha love that - you must share the secret!
    Have a lovely day!

  9. Happy birthday Mr Penni. Is that a telly up on the top of your shelf? Not easy to see the picture up there :-)
    A x

  10. I knew that was n't your hubby ... he's mine and I wondered where I put him *LOL*

  11. blimey... your desk isn messy, it looks like mine on a good day!

  12. Happy Birthday to your hubby! I don't think craft shopping on my hubby's birthday would fly LOL

    Your cats are too adorable! That pic of the b-day cake on fire....priceless!! Have fun sorting. That part is no fun, but it has to be done.

    Have a great day.

  13. lol at the hubby photo!!!! your kitties are gorgeous - love them xx

  14. I would have said that was already sorted!! Hope you have a great time on your hubby's birthday spending money! Sounds a great way to spend a day, to me.

  15. Now that's what I call a Birthday, he takes you shopping! Hope that you both have a lovely day. Doesn't really look like you need much sorting out either! And I didn't realise just how big that glass topped craft storage thingy really is! Wow!


  16. I went craft shopping on y birthday too, of course hubby came...mine you, the third crafty shop was very near to a pub!! Fabulous crafty space you have, but I think your lovely cats would probably eat mine!

  17. Happy Birthday!
    I am sorry for cake - so much fair!!!!!

  18. Hang on who's birthday is it!!!and you are off to a craft well trained or what!

  19. Happy birthday for your hubby!!! Godd luck with your sort out can't wait to see it completed xx

  20. You're furbabies are there in a 'supervisory' position of course, that's cats all over, they say 'jump', and we say 'how high'!! LOL good luck with the sorting Penni.

  21. Penni - I love your style... YOU get to go craft shopping on HIS birthday - how do you manage that one???!!!

    It's nice to see more that the usual desk top view of your craft room - and thank you for including one of the cats - I would have been upset if you'd have left them out tee hee...

    The pic of the old bloke is HILARIOUS and would make a great card (if its not one already)...

    Paula x x x

  22. Oh Penni, you had me rolling on the floor with that "birthday" pic of your hubby! Poor dear, better make sure you pick your craft goodies, you might get coal in your craft box!

    I always love how your boys are curled up together - so much love there! I actually took a pic of both of my guys on my desk this week that I had planned to post but hubby does my uploads (from his computer to mine since that is where the camera software is) and that one never made the transfer!

    I always love seeing the swing shots of the rooms - that's where all of the goodies are! Isn't it funny how most of our rooms look alike? Piles and piles of stuff - some days, it's hard to tell whether we are sorting or not!

    Oh yes, and that Legend KNEW he was being naughty! He LOVES eating little (and sometimes big!) slivers of papers whenever he can find them! He grabbed one off of my desk when I turned my back for just a sec to put my paper cutter away and when I started shouting for him to stop - he started swallowing faster! I couldn't believe it was gone when I opened his mouth to get it but he has turned into a little Houdini - he has mastered the art of making my scrapping supplies disappear!

    Hopefully your Bengals are better behaved than that! My boys are angelic (except when they're not!) Anyway, have a great day - and give them hugs for me!

    Hugs to you too!
    Ramona :-)

  23. Why have you got a picture of my husband on you blog? Ok maybe not, I'm sure if my OH knew how to blog he would have a fit. Looking foward to seeing the end results of your tidy, next week? or is it an ongoing project like mine! Hugs Pam x

  24. Even your piled high table has a sort of order ...You are just a tidy person ...dont argue are .
    If you ever tire of you cats ...dont forget me ...I could make space ....whats another two lol seriously ...they are so beautiful.

  25. Hi Penni, computer crashed as I tried to send previous message, so apologies if you have it twice but basically......... Your room is brilliant! and the desk that shows all the bits underneath is gorgeous! Please adopt me, I'll be good!!!!! :@)

    Leigh x

  26. Gorgeous kittys, wish my daughter wasn't allergic! :o( Lovely stash too!

  27. Lol at your fantastic picture of 'hubby'!!!

    Hope he had a nice day - and your craft trip was very productive too ;)

    And what can I say about your 2 gorgeous boys - Love them :)

    Carol x

  28. Love your ball of cats, and the birthday piccie is so funny!

  29. Love that Flamin' Cake! To your DH, a Very Happy Birthday. For his birthday, please visit my blog. Have a great week.
    visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

  30. that's so cute that your cats curl up with each other for a nap...

    Is that common for bengal cats?

    you wouldn't find my two cats doing

  31. your hubby sounds like mine hope you had a good time:)

  32. Happy Birthday to your hubby -- and that new photo of your cats is just lovely! :)

    -- Birgit

  33. What a very nice pictures of your beautifull cats. My cat died 2 weeks ago. He was almost 20 years old.
    I really like the ezy stack ribbon rack you have on the picture. I like to buy them but i can't in the Netherlands.

    Greetings from,

  34. Happy Birthday to your hubby and how well you have him trained lol, love the pic of the cats toooo cute.
    Hugs Linda

  35. A good sort out is great.. just as long as you remember where you put everything!!! lol get out your stickly labels!!
    Your fur babies are just gorgeous, i especially love the bottom pic on your sidebar, there having a proper ickle cuddle and its sooooooo cute.
    happy b'day to your OH too.
    hugs minxy

  36. Would love to have a rummage in your stash.
    Belated Happy Birthday to you hubby, can I swap him for mine when I go craft stash shopping!
