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Wednesday, 31 March 2010

WOYWW and Kitty Cats!!!

Wednesday again!!!!  Time for WOYWW

Well here's mine...

I've kind of finished my sorting out.  I say "kind of" as, quite frankly, I got bored with it!!!!  I did a lot of clearing out and then decided that the rest could wait and put it all away.  That means I got my desk back - yippeee!!!

Some of you noticed a TV on the wall to the left of my desk.  This has gone now and in it's place is - yes more shelving!!!!

Also, a little swing over to the right and you can see that hubby put up the CD shelves for me and now all my nesties and unmounted stamps are on shelves instead of in all the boxes that were here last week.

They need to be labelled and put into some kind of order.  I think I should have the Nesties at the bottom as I will be using these the most and then I can work my way up. When they were in the boxes I could just flick through until I found what I was looking for, this of course is no longer an option.  "Super Hubby" has said he would label them for me, do we think he will have it done by next week?  Please place your bets LOL!!!

Now for a real treat!!!  I thought that you might like to see what my beautiful kitty cats were like when they were babies, sorry kittens!!!!  I didn't get either of them when they were small, but the breeders I bought from were kind enough to let me have some kitten photos. 

Here's Thomas

He really looks like butter wouldn't melt, but this is what he gets up to when my back is turned.....

And as for Pablo.  He was just tooooo adorable.

Look at his super spotty tummy. 

He really has grown into a handsome chap too.

Anyway, I'm off to see what the rest of the WOYWWers are up to this week.  Then I'm off to do a bit of crafting and this afternoon William wants to bake some biscuits, what fun!!!

Thanks for stopping by today.



  1. I love your crafting space but have to admit I do get totally absorbed with the pics of your cats. Just love the spotty tummy :-)
    A x

  2. oh all those lovely tidy pens and the very nice cd shelving -so organised! Pictures of the cats are adorable, love the one showing his tummy - soooo cute!
    Lynn x

  3. Oh my goodness!! The little tiny spotty kitty! How gorgeous! I think I will have to scan in some pics of my baby girl up to no good (in the washing machine, in suitcases, sitting on mum's head) in memory of her (she passed on 5wks ago tonight).
    Your craft room is spectacular - love the idea about nestie storage - we store some stamps in CD cases, but good idea with nesties.

    Esme xx

  4. MMMMMM..... I just turned a funny shade of green, looking at how you have not one but two sets of ciao's, i have all the ciao's available to us in SA, but the importer wont bring in any more. I have all the marker colors available also but i NEED to get the sketches. HAVE A HANDY HUSBAND! remind me why we are friends, i think i'm gonna croak cos now i am turning purple.
    P.S: your kitty cats are so cute!

  5. Love your kitty pics. Can we have a shot of Pablo's tummy now or would he consider that too undignified!!!

  6. I LOVE your shelving ... do you think that is odd ... I don't care I think I may have shelf envy :0) As for super hubby and the labels ... tell him there are hundreds of us out here that would think him a super hero if he gets em done in a week ;0)

  7. wow so beautifully organised! would love to play!

    your kitties are just sooooo beautiful! adore the spotty tummy!

  8. OMG those kitties are just gorgeous - hehe, very cute pics too.

    and wow you are organised - i hope your hubby gets the labelling done for you

  9. Love the new storage ....and all those pens and other interesting things on your desk. Is that a matchbox thingy I spy too?
    Even though we have double figures in cats ...I still want yours lol

  10. What a huge collection of Copics - you must have ALL of them..I love your work desk - you have glass on top so you can actually see what is in your drawers - love that!
    The little kittens photos are sooooooooo cute!!!!

  11. Oh wow have you enough copics there, are there any more to get haha, your hubby did a fantastic job on the shelves, pat on the back, your cats are just adorable i call them babies as well, my black one loves the washing machine as well, dont know what the fascination is my other one loves a box.
    Christine x

  12. ooh i love your desk top! and how sweet is the kitty with the spotty tummy! brilliant!

  13. Oho that's an idea, get rid of the telly and get more shelves....nah...I wouldn't be able to reach them!! Love your cat!! (Lyn)

  14. This all looks very organised, lots of shelving you lucky girl. Love the photo of your cat.

  15. Love the organisational changes - working on something in the CD case line myself. Your cats are just gorgeous - that spotty tummy is the greatest!!

  16. Good Morning Penni,

    Well your desktop looks beautiful today - all of that pretty pink - and your handy husband did a marvelous job with the shelves, you should be pleased - but I'm sure you know who stole the show today on your post!

    Your babies are just so stinking cute!!! Yes, Pablo has a yummy tummy - but my fave is of naughty Thomas in the laundry machine! That just seems SO kitten-like! With us, Tsunami loved to crawl into the fridge every time we opened it. Those naughty, naughty boys!

    How old are your Bengals now - and how old were they when you got them?

    They are just so sweet!

    Ramona :-)

  17. Oooooh everything is so neat and tidy! Nice . . . very nice :)

    Stop by when you get a chance - I played along today as well.

  18. Very nice and organized. That is the way I wish I could work ALL the time. I LOVE your CD shelves and that they fit perfectly. And, of course, your kitty babies are so adorable.

  19. I love your new shelving and your gorgeous kitties!
    Clare x

  20. aaaawww Penni - I needed to come by for my kitty fix - thank you for excelling with baby pics of them... bless.

    Storage looking fabby - great idea to use the cd shelf thingy. well done. oooh, i love labelling and sorting. Id do it for you but not allowed to drive at mo.

    Paula x x x

  21. Oh how small were the kitties?! Really cute.
    Loving the reorganisation - a crafter cannot have too many shelves. What I love the most though is that desktop drawer thingy that you can see your flowers through xx

  22. Oh I totally get what you mean - I can't strt a sort out - the knock on affect is too appalling! The new storage is awesome!

  23. Fab desk, amazing storage...and...bless those little kitty cats, they are soooo cute! My AlfieCat is back from the *whispers* VET now and is all groggy and wobbly, but has managed to scoff half a tin of tuna LOL x

  24. Oh, such sweet kitties! Love those shelves, but I think I would probably end up with the contents all over the floor.... lol

  25. omgoodness your kitties are adorable :) really beautiful :)
    and thats one hell of a creative space :) x

  26. Fabulous crafting space, but sorry your cats are just so so so adorable ... they kind of stole the post for me LOL.

  27. Oh your workspace is nice and organised...I am working on refitting my wee cupboard under the stairs!

    Cute kitties

  28. Love your crafting space Penni but mostly I loved looking at your kittys awe they are adorable and love the spotty belly, just one more look than I have to go.
    Hugs Linda

  29. What a great Hubby you have!
    And you already know howI feel about the cats - soooo cute as babies! Beautiful markings ;-)
    Keep well

  30. Oh I don't know what I love more - your storage or your kitties!!! And all so neat and tidy, oh and copics!!! Juliexx

  31. Those little kitties have completely stolen the show today! Not only is the spotty tummy beautiful but look at the size of those paws!!


  32. Wow where you busy with your storage it looks fantastic :) but your cats are just adorable hunks

  33. Wow, what a craft room you have. You make me want to tidy up my own little craft space. Although I'm pretty sure that after I do that and a couple of hours crafting, everything will be in shambles again...LOL.
    Aaawww...what darling little kitties. TSF. I love it when you share these cute pictures. (The porcupines pics are still my favorite.)


  34. beautiful cats!
    and so many copics - WOW!

  35. Loving your new storage and of course your gorgeous cats

  36. Thank you for your lovely comment on my card!!!
    I'm in love with your cats!! They are gorgeous. We've got a cat Chica, she's half Bengal and also has those cute spots on her tummy.(and the attitude that goes with these cats, hahaha)
    I love this picture of her, she's so lazy here!
    Greets x Céline

  37. oooh I spy 'real' copics - yummy! And a gorgeous looking purple bag too lol!

    Love the new storage, what clever idea, hope hubby gets your labels done

    ps - I got the thumbs up for 2nd May yipee!!

  38. and of course - forgot to say how gorgeous your cats are looking this week, what adorable kittens they were

  39. Happy Easter Penni and Boys -

    Did you get my e-mail about the kitties?

