For Sale

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Well, it's Wednesday again, time for WOYWW!!!  I'm ashamed to say that my Workspace doesn't look a lot different to last week.  I've been crafting on the dining table this week.

I am waiting for hubby to put up a shelf unit to store my CD cases - I store all my Nesties and unmounted stamps in CD cases and at the moment they are all in the boxes you can see stacked up on the right.  All these are full and I think to perch another one on top would be a little silly, so a shelf unit is in order!!!

I had a good time shopping last week.  I bought some small and large Octagon Nesties and a couple of the new labels too.  I also got some Tim Holtz Hitch Fasteners, which I want to use to make one of the little drawer units that I've seen recently in Blogland.  I'll let you know how I get on, but I think I need my workspace back first LOL!!!

For those kitty addicts out there, here are a couple of picutres to keep you going.  As you can see, they haven't been up to much !!!

Thomas & Pablo doing what they do best!!!

     Pablo, Just Chilllin'

Thanks for stopping by today.



  1. your cats are so adorable. uhm little drawer unit like the sound of that you must show us when you have achieved. See you Sat.
    Lynn x

  2. Hi Penni
    My youngest cat hasnt got that yet, he just creates havoc at the minute and annoys the older one.
    Cant wait to see your new make so tell the hubby bto hurry and get those shelves up. haha
    Christine x

  3. Hi Patti, I have asked my hubby a thousand times for one thing or another. He is great with wood and making things....but only when he wants too. LOL

    So many neat nesties and I am loving the Tim Holtz dies/borders. I have one and another one pre-ordered.

    Your cats are so stinkin' ADORABLE!!! Love them. What kind of cats are those? I love those spots and stripes together!

    Have a great day and have FUN!

  4. My baby girl watching your cats every day. They are so beautiful.

  5. ooh, a handmade draw unit - you will share won't you? Unused or not, your desk is covered in interesting stuff.

  6. I will admit to not really being a cat person, but they are cute!!

  7. Lots of snoozzzzzzzing and cuddling going on there! beautiful cats!!!

  8. your cats are the cutest ever!

  9. Great tip about the CD cases - so NOW I know how to store my nesties!! Gorgeous pussycats too ....

  10. Love your babies - could just give them a big cuddle!
    Keep well

  11. Hi Penni,

    Oh, your boys are so adorable today - I tell you, I have never seen such happy relaxed STILL Bengals! :-)

    How cool that your son bakes! I really enjoy it, when the mood strikes!

    Your new toys sound great. I can't wait to see the new shelves your husband builds - not that THAT is any pressure on him - your whole WOYWW group waiting to see his handiwork, lol!

    When I have a moment (I'm back and forth now) I will feed your Maine addiction by sending you my breeder's site so you can see Tsunami's dad (GORGEOUS!) and drool over her beautiful kittens (we wanted one of Tsunami's brothers too but they were all spoken for at the time!)


  12. Looks like dream heaven for your kitties.

  13. Hi Penni

    My craft table has a pen stuck to it at the moment :( I have no idea how tho.

    Love the photos of your cats - the are gorgeous!

    Thanks for leaving a nice comment on my Distress ink Tutorial. :o)


    Kimmi x

  14. I really like those ribbon storage boxes - I have all these lovely ribbons but they are cramed into boxes and take ages to find...Tim Holtz Hitch Fasteners - I wonder what that is...Thomas and Pablo are soooooooo cute! Thanks for the snoop!

  15. aww those kitties - so cute!!!! love your ribbon storage too xxx

  16. Love the cats. Hope you find space to craft soon.
    A x

  17. Came back to say that the Green and gorgeous paper on my desk is BAsic Grey Origins. Go get some. Today!!

  18. oh look at your ribbon storage! arent they perfect...I NEED some of those!

    I love love love love your putty cats..very handsome happy putty cats! I too am a cat lover..I have 7 putty cats here, each of them adored!


  19. Forget the desk ....I want your cats lol

  20. wow denni
    your cats are really beautiful
    I'd never seen bengal cats
    xoxo BA

  21. Those kitties know which side their bread is buttered on I can tell you!! Will love to see the newly organised craft room, that Misc Cards box has seen some serious use!


  22. Thank you for visiting my blog and for joining my giveaway :-) Juliet

  23. Hope you get your shelf unit up soon - you'll have more space for even more CD boxes then ;)

    I love the sound of the little drawer unit - not seen any around, I can't wait to see yours when it's done.

    And of corse those 2 stunning gents of yours - they are just adorable - I go like jelly whenever I look at them :)

    Carol x
