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Wednesday, 14 July 2010

How I Frame My Photos - A Tutorial

Hi Everyone

A few of you have asked me how I frame my photos.  Well, I got my Technical Support Department (AKA Hubby) onto this and he has come up with a great tutorial. 

You can download it HERE .  The file name is "Border Tutorial".  If you have any problems please email me and I will send you a copy of the PDF file directly.

I know that some of you have been waiting quite a while for this - I'm sorry it has taken so long, but apparently hubby also has a day job LOL!!!

Please let me know what you think - Hubby love praise LOL!!!



  1. tell your hubby he did great =)

  2. I don't have that program, but I went through it anyway. Your hubby did a great job, very thorough and with very helpful screen shots. Of course, he picked a great picture of Thomas for his demonstration.
