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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

WOYWW 18.08

Hi WOYWWers 

So, did you miss me last Wednesday?   I was on my Jolly Holidays.  We spent a fabulous week in London doing the "Tourist Thing"!!!  We saw all the sights Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Downing Street, Tower Bridge etc. We visited Kew Gardens, The Science Museum, The Royal Observatory at Greenwich and The British Museum. Of course we also had time for some serious shopping too - Harrods, Fortnum & Masons, Covent Garden and Hamleys to name a few. I even managed a trip to Blade Rubber Stamps - a great rubber stamp and craft shop in Holborn!!!

We had such a great time that we have already booked to go back at the end of the year!!!  We are going to take the kids to see Santa Claus in Harrods and show them the Christmas Lights, and of course do some shopping too!!!

There's not much happening on my desk today, but I thought I'd show you a few holiday photos. 

My boys on the Meridian Line at Greenwich Observatory

Luckily we don't have room for this giant Teddy Bear at home !!!

Like Father Like Son !!!

Sorry, there are no kitty pictures today - I hope to have some new ones for you next week!!!

Anyway, thanks for stopping by today.  Don't forget to stop by Julia's Blog for a list of all the WOYWWers. 



  1. Hi Penni I did miss you last week as I love seeing your kitties. Glad you had a good holiday and super pictures. Have a good Wednesday.

  2. Hi Ya Penni
    glad you had a lovely time, fabby piccies, no kitty pics this week?? cry cry.thanks for the snoop, have a great WOYWW, sue,x

  3. Awwww..your boys are so cute. Looks like you had a good time ~jeni :)

  4. Hi Penni -glad you had a good time. Your boys look really cute - great pics.
    Lynn x

  5. glad you had a nice time in London, we are hoping for a day up there next week and Blade Rubber is a defn visit for me, loved it last year even managed to ditch OH and boys into sci fi magazine shop, LOL :)

  6. oow - envious - I love London - But after living there Niall is less keen - I try get my 'fix' when work takes me there...

    I was away too last week and did a tiny post but didn't get to visit - I really miseed you all!!!


  7. I love doing the tourist thing in London sometimes - I only live a few miles away, don't get up as much as I should. I do go to Kew a lot though (check out my photo blog in my side bar) Have a great week.

  8. Hi Penni, glad you enjoyed your trip to London as I live here you get used to it, but when you visit there is a buzz. The children will love Harrods at Christmas but beware there's normally is a very big queue !!!! Have fun JO.xxxx

  9. Think off to London for xmas shopping this year - love it..missed you...glad you are back. Happy WOYWW

  10. Great piccies!
    Your boys are gorgeous!
    Am off to London in November - Mum is treating me! I have a feeling it will be shopping, shopping, shopping!!! Oh dear! LOL
    PS Blade rubber Stamps are on my list of shops to visit!

  11. what fab pics Penni, cant wait to hear more about it all. How exciting to have booked again already!

  12. Ah happy holidays - nothing like a city for finding something for everyone. The boys are cute dudes!

  13. Hi Penni you were missed...Glad you had a fab time, I love London.


  14. You sound like you have had a great time in London and the pics are great. My husband and the children are going down to London on Friday to do the tourist thing. Have a good evening, Tracy Evans x

  15. Sounds like you had a fabulous holiday. The boys look as though they were having a great time.
    Super pictures too!

  16. Oooh as soon as I saw you went to the British Museum I wondered if you had been to Blade Rubber! I personally have been Blade Rubber but not the British Museum! Nice to see you had a good time - did you buy any new goodies at Blade Rubber?

  17. Oh you lucky duck, I'd love to go to London, and how exciting to be going back at Christmas

  18. Glad you had a great holiday :0)
    Thanks for sharing your photo's.
    *hugs* Heather x

  19. Looks like you had a fab time

  20. And not a desk in sight !! LOL great pics and glad you had a fab hol !

  21. Looks like a great time was had by all! If you've stopped by my desk this week you'll see loads of stamped HM images, that's as far as I've got sadly and I don't think I'm going to get them in the post before I leave for my week camping trip this Sat. I also got 9 new ones, so I'll send you a pic of those as well!


  22. Hi penni

    Miss seeing the kitties but it was a joy seeing your family (and the cool bear!) So glad you had a wonderful vacation - I DID miss you last week!


  23. Thanks for sharing your holiday & family pics. Guess I will never get to be an international traver as I would love to visit England, Scotland, and Ireland. Both sides of my family immigrated from those countries.

  24. It's OK to miss the "boys" once in awhile, and this time it was fun to see the BOYS (and their dad). I always love seeing places I've never been to and may never see. You know I would never miss visiting you for WOYWW, but I contracted a computer virus on Wednesday. It's still not fixed, so I had to make sure I wasn't infecting you before I visited. Happy belated WOYWW.

  25. Fab pics! London is great as there's something fun for everyone.


  26. Great photos of the boys! Love London too! It's been years since I have been there and would love to visit again one day.
