For Sale

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Home Improvement

Hello to all of my new friends in BlogLand. Penni is still unwell with pneumonia, although she is starting to show some signs of improvement and so I am still running loose and wild with her laptop.

Today is Wednesday and I know that everybody likes to look at everybody else's workdesk - well you won't believe the transformation that has occurred to Penni's workspace since I have taken control !!!

Penni's desk was covered in flowers - flowers belong in the garden and so I have put them all outside. Strange, but they don't seem to be growing much. Also, why do you all need so many felt tipped pens? Is it really necessary to have 12 shades of the same colour? What is wrong with a black, a blue and a red biro? Her glass topped drawer unit had to go - what a Health & Safety hazard and a completely impractical surface for welding on. And why, why, why does she insist on having so many little boxes and bags, each one having a secret stash of unknown trinkets, tools and 'things' ??? Putting stuff away takes time; getting it out again takes more time; trying to remember where the heck you put it when you last put it away takes a lot of time, as well as making your head hurt! Much better to leave everything on view so that it is visible and easy to find - a time saving top tip that you may wish to remember.

So here you are - Penni's new workdesk:

I'm sure you'll agree - the transformation is amazing !!! I know that Penni will want to thank me when she see's what I've done for her, but I really didn't do it for praise. I'm just happy knowing that she can concentrate on her recovery without having to worry about the house and children.

Some people have asked for photos of the cats. So here you go:

 They sleep ...

... and they sleep ...

... and then they sleep a bit more ...

Oh well, I suppose I should go and start sorting out the rest of the house ... maybe the kitchen could do with the male touch.

Ha Ha Ha! You're gonna be in so much trouble when she catches you !!!

Please feel free to ask for help or advice on how to improve your working environment. I'm only too happy to help others.

Stay happy !




  1. so glad to hear that penny is improving.

    rofl, this post had me in stitches, lol.. brilliant.xx

  2. Sending get well wishes for Penni im also just recovering it can sure take it out of you!
    Anyway well you made me laugh love the photo!you just sounded like my hubby when you were describing those backs and few trinkets in each ect...Men must be all the same..loljust dont understand a crafters needs!
    Have fab day hugs to Penni hope to see her up and bloggin soon

  3. hope Penni is better really soon, love the post so funny!

  4. Hope Penni will be back soon really missing the level headed logic. YOU ARE SO DEAD WHEN SHE DOES GET BETTER! Especially once she sees what you've done to her work desk, hope you got rockets on your shoes, cos you gonna need to shoot yourself to the moon, ha ha.
    chat soon

  5. Hi Simon
    hahahaha think i prefer Pennies other desk!!! great post glad to hear she is feeling a little better, gorgeous piccies of the cats, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (31)

  6. Hi! Just stopped by from WOYWW and totally off topics but OMG your cats are gorgeous xx

    Sorry to hear Penni is poorly, hope she gets better soon.

    Dee #94

  7. Glad to hear Penni is recovering. I think you are going to be in BIG trouble when she finds your "improvements". Let me explain about the pens.......

  8. Lol, Love the new work desk Simon but Penni might not be quite so enthusiastic - hope she is feeling better.

  9. Mmm - remind me to put my mother in charge of the house if I get too poorly and NOT my better half. I have a feeling this is your one AND only time but maybe thats the aim lol.
    Glad Penni is feeling better and totally adore your cats.

  10. Awww hope Penni soon feels better again ... lol love the transformation hehe
    hugs to you both

  11. Hilarious! Hope Penni recovers soon! Love your darling cats :)

  12. She would kill you if she wasnt so weak!!!! if you really did that to her workdesk! he! he! send her my love Leigh x aka charitycrafter x

  13. how wonderful penni is improving and that she has someone so thoughtful who will sort out her workspace and make so many erm improvements.

  14. I had no idea Penni was so sick, really hope she starts to improve soon, if not for her sake, then at least for the house's sake!! Very funny post though, you should show us what you're creating in Penni's newly cleared up space!


  15. Well, you sound like my husband about my work desk, but my husband won't dare to post it in MY blog. Too bad, your posts are realy something.
    Take care

  16. God she would kill you if that was her hubby would love that - looks like his crafting area...but yes Penni's is not messy like yours - so 1 up for the women...Hugs to her Love
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper

  17. Do you reeeeeallly think we fell for that one? Nice try buddy!
    However that's one mean crafty space full of yummy tools and wires and stuff I could transform into so much loveliness.
    Get well soon to Penni so she can slap you one!
    JoZarty x
    No offence intend ... ha!

  18. I'm so glad that Penni's on the mend...and so so so worried about you Simon - you have life insurance?!!

  19. Great post Simon but I am concerned for your saftey now!!
    Glad Penni is getting better. do give her our love.x

    Quick Tip - Stay out of the Kitchen if you value your life!!! :)


  20. Love what you have done to Penni's desk Simon - but is there really need for all of those different sized turny things hanging infront of the window - surely one would do, after all you do have fingers too!!!

    I too can't wait to see your first creation on here! You ARE creating on the newly organised desk, yeh?

    Great to hear Penni is getting better - I do hope it's not too long as she may have to fight to get her blog (and desk) back!!! Thanks for posting the pics of your gorgeous Thomas and Erin, she is so pretty and it looks like Thomas really loves his new playmate.

    Hugs to Penni xxx

    Carol x

  21. Once Penni is all better, which we all hope for her sake that it's soon, you'll have to still pop in on us from time to time. Maybe even share a creation with us from your lovely workspace. Thanks for the cat pics, some of us were feeling a little withdrawl. :)

  22. Your post was way too funny! Can't wait to hear what Penni has to say about all this. Vickie #30

  23. Glad Penni is improving, sending some speedy recovery hugs.
    Not sure she's going to happy with you when she finds out what've you been up too.

  24. Ha! Ha! You crack me up! And, you have just reminded me to fit a deadbolt lock to my craftroom door, in case I am ever ill!
    So glad to hear that Penni is getting better, hope she is soon up and about.
    I really popped over to say thankyou to her, for her cake slice template. Thanks to you too, as I see you were 'tech support' on the project.
    Caroline xxx

  25. AW Poor Penni!! and ArrRGH!! That looks just like my hubby's garage!! Of course if this was real,even tho Penni's very poorly I'm sure she'd be chasing you all over the house!!Hee hee...welding? Yes, hubby does that too, sparks everywhere...He never lets me have a go! HappyWOYWW (((Lyn)) #66

  26. Love the new craft space could play in there for ages - my garage is my second craft space being a mechanic lol - I think you may in toruble when Penni feeling better - which I hope is soon - love the lazy cats ~ Nicky no.6

  27. Passing on my well wishes for Penni. Love the workspace - made me laugh!! the pussy cats are gorg too. heres a wee something for penni when shes better- she will need to go check it out.

  28. Lol I am sure Penni will really appreciate your efforts ;o) wishing Penni well real soon. Joey xx

  29. Got to love those funny kitty cat's toooo cute! Thanks for signing up for my blog candy, apprecite it, good luck!

  30. Wishing Penni well, hope she's soon back to full health soon.

    Will you also thank her so much for the messsage about us losing Charlie, it was so kind of her especially as she is not well,it really meant a lot, thank you.
    Love Jacee x

  31. OH Penni, please get well soon... but no matter how much Simon screws up, er "helps" out, keep him around. He's good for a great laugh or two. Brilliant post there Simon!
