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Wednesday 21 September 2011

WOYWW - Crafting with a Maine Coon !!!!


Well, Orion has been with us for three weeks now and has definitely settled in.  He loves to eat, play and sleep but most of all he loves to be involved in whatever we are doing, and that includes crafting !!!!

These photos were taken a few days ago.

He has to investigate everything ...

Including my Photo Tent .... 

I think he has had a few tips from Thomas on 
"How to pose for the camera" !!!

He is great friends with Thomas 

And Erin

He also loves chilling in his Crinkle Tunnel 

Well, I hope you've enjoyed seeing the photos.  If you want a peek of some proper crafty workspaces, stop by Julia's blog where you've find a handy list of interesting places!!!

Thanks for stopping by.



  1. Aw Penni - Orion is gorgeous! Such a little star and maybe a crafter in the making? :) Di xx

  2. Orion is a real beauty. Bleubeard is jealous because he doesn't go in my craft room. But Orion looks like he has fun wherever he lands.

  3. Oh how beautiful is Orion! I love that shot of him in the tunnel very cute!
    Helen x

  4. Well, obviously he's a cool cat because he likes bling!! Your other cats are very accepting, don't think my two would take to a newbie quite as calmly! That last pic of him in the tunnel is very cute :) xx

  5. OMG i am in love with Orion, he is just totally gorgeous, just want to give him a huge hug and lots of love xxxx

  6. Thanks for sharing your space this week, I enjoyed visiting and hope you have a fabulous rest of the week.

  7. Beautiful new kitty Penni, and haven't you figured out the reason he likes your craft room??? That's a House Mouse on your desk, lol!!

    Brenda 88

    Oh, btw, you won over at Dies To Die for birthday candy. Maria is waiting for you to email her, so don't miss out, claim your prize!

  8. Ha! Fabulous little kittie! He is gorgeous!

    Clare H

  9. I love your four footed friends. They are wonderful. I have just left one of mine at the animal hospital with a really bad wound. Not the most fun thing. So these wonderful little felines was just what I needed to see.
    Love n hugs

  10. Ahh....the furbabies, ya gotta love em.:)

  11. aw

    i have gone all mushy,

    he's adorable,


  12. I'm glad he's settling in and accepted by your other cats. Looks like he'll give Thomas some competition for most photogenic cat.

  13. Oh my goodness Penni! Look at you! I just love your new baby. So glad he is fitting in with the whole family!

  14. How cute is he?!! Love these pictures. Just makes me sad that I can't have one because of me being allergic to cats - such a bummer.
    Happy WOYWW (on Friday)

  15. Oh your post and pictures made my day - LOVE Orion & his siblings - his "curiousity, helpful, crafty cat" photos remind me so much of Legend - and those photos with Thomas & Erin truly demonstrate his sweet "Gentle Giant" heart!

    You should link your Orion posts to my weekly Wordless Wednesday party - there are lots of cat lovers who visit who would be smitten with your babies as well!

