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Monday 24 February 2014

Graphic 45 Design Team 2014 Audition


Did you you know that Graphic 45 currently have a DT Call?   I love Graphic 45 products, especially their papers.  It would be a dream come true to be on their Design Team, so thought I would give it a go.

As part of the selection process you have to create a blog post showing a minimum of six projects.  It was a difficult choice, but I have managed to choose the following eight projects:-

Click HERE for original post

Click HERE for original post 

Click HERE for original post

Click HERE for original post 

Click HERE for original post

Click HERE for original post

Click HERE for original post

Click HERE for original post

I hope I get through the first round of auditions, I'd really love to get on this design team.

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope you like my choices,



  1. Good luck with the DT call for G45!!! How clever with the phone and the typewriter!!!!!!

  2. Aww Penni, good luck with that chick! I really hope they choose you to join the team. Your creations are amazing! You chose well with this selection too. Hugs, Wends x

  3. WOW!!!! I so love your phone and typewriter! How cool. Your cards are amazing. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. SPECTACULAR!! Love the retro telephone. Keep smiling and creating.

  5. Penni, beautiful projects. Each one is stunning and so different. Thank you for sharing your talents with G45. Happy Papercrafting!
