Tuesday 17 April 2012

Sleepy Head

Isn't he gorgeous!!!


Create With Joy said...

Oh my goodness, Penni - I did a double take when I saw Orion in the linky - he looked like the spitting image of Tsunami!

I hope you and your beautiful kitties have a fabulous week!


Robin said...

Are cats ever not sleeping?

Elaine said...

He IS a gorgeous sleepy boy ;)

Hugs Elaine xx

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I agree, with Ramona- I did a double take too! Gosh, I am going to have to link up some kitty pics. Either way love the effects you did with pics and the beauty sleeping as well!

Sparkle said...

He certainly is a stunning guy!

Unknown said...

Pretty kitty!
- Yoli

Anonymous said...

I am not a cat person... but this cat is drop dead gorgeous.... does he cuddle too?

Hazel said...

He's gorgeous - Hazel, WOYWW #85 x

May said...

Gorgeous... love him... Hugs May x x x No2

Blogger Broadcast said...

Such beautiful furs.

Swing by and link-up with
BloggerBroadcast ww LINKY

Nadia (WithGlitteringEyes.blogspot.com) said...


I found you on Julia's blog with your WOYWW link. What a fun discovery!

Happy Crafting!
Nadia (#169)

Amanda said...

Such a gorgeous cat and what a mischevious face too. Hugs Amanda #146

CraftygasheadZo said...

Super cat pics! Take care & enjoy this weeks WOYWW snoop, I'm still nosing! Zo xx17

trisha too said...

He absolutely IS gorgeous!!


Lisa said...

delightful, wish i could have one but DS1 is extremely allergic to all things furry and feathery but thanks for sharing

Lisa #112

Leah H. said...

So cute and he reminded me of our cat:(

Visiting for Wordless Wednesday- hope you can stop by:)


kay said...

hes gorgeous
playing catch up
happy woyww
kay #51

Lisa-Jane said...

Gorgeous and hairy! Happy Belated WOYWW #45