I don't have a card to show you today, but I do have some news.
Unfortunately, I had to find a new home for one of my precious cats – Pablo. He is a fabulous cat, but has always been difficult to handle – it took two people just to get him in a box and I couldn’t clip his claws or worm him etc. Also, he started soiling around the house, so that was it – he had to go. I found a good home for him with a nice gentleman who breeds Bengals, and I know he will be very well cared for and loved.
Now, that left me a little problem - Thomas is a very affectionate cat and is used to having a feline companion so I had to look for another cat.
Well, I managed to find one and here she is.
Isn't she beautiful? We've called her Erin. She is six an a half months old.
Now for the good bit. Can you guess what breed she is? I've put aside a little bit of surprise candy for one lucky winner who can guess correctly. I'll give you a clue - She isn't a Bengal!!!!
Just leave me a comment with your guess before Midnight GMT on Saturday 4th December and I'll announce her breed and the winner on Monday 6th December.

She looks like a perfect partner for Thomas, Beautiful! i think she is a kitty kat, LOL, or maybe just a puddy tat, lol, dont have a clue, hope you had a laugh though
Aw Penni, sorry to hear about Pablo, glad you found a good home for him though, that's always so reassuring isn't it? I had to re-home a cat once because he attacked my other cat and anyone that wasn't me!
Erin is absolutely beautiful. Is she an Ocicat or a Savannah?
Hi Penni, Sorry to hear you have had to rehome Pablo but at least you know he has gone to a good home.
Erin is beautiful! I am also guessing she might be an Ocicat.
Lisa x
Oh Penni! Erin is soooooo beautiful!I think she is Egyptian Mau or Ocicat.
Thank you!!!!
Oh Penni, she's beautiful, I think she's a 'Tawny Ocicat' thomas is a very lucky boy to have such a pretty little girl for a friend, beautiful.
She is really beautiful. Sorry, I don't know the cat's breeds as well. I have a cat but he was founded in the street before he got in our home... all breeds is a great secret for me... SOrry...
she's gorgeous! I know nothing of cats and found your question so intriguing I actually googled it! lol! And I've come to the same conclusion, Mau or Ocicat! Whichever - I love her coat
Have a great day ♥
Hi Penni
sorry to hear you had to let Pablo go. Your new kitty is very pretty. No idea on breeds though!
Lynn x
Oh, she is such a beauty! ~jeni :)
She's a beautiful girl, so pretty !
I know what a hard thing that would have been for you to do. I'm glad he has a good home. If it had to be one of them, thankfully it was Pablo and not Thomas who seemed to be the more outgoing and loveable of the two.
I'm glad you were able to get Thomas a new playmate. We had a dog who nearly pined away after losing her companion, so we had to do the same thing. She reminds me of a friend's cat, but I can't remember what breed she has. Erin is certainly beautiful. I hope they get along well. Best wishes.
Hard question Penni, but i would go for Ocicat (Thought about Savannah too, but they seem quite big next to your bengal) so Ocicat is my guess.
But she's absolutely super gorgeous cute lovely, hope she'll get along with Thomas
Your kitty is beautiful! I'm guessing an Ocicat. I hope I'm right! Great pics and I love your blog.
Hi Pennie aww she is gorgeous sorry you had to get rid of Pablo, is she a Ocicat???? just looked on google to see if i could find a similar looking cat!! hehehe,
Ohhhh i wrote my guess on the wrong post... but... THIS IS A SWEETHEART... she's GORGEOUS! I was first thinking Ocicat, but then... No no, I am thinking something even MORE exotic... how about an Ashera??? could it be????
Big Hugs,
Dear Penni
I'm so sorry to hear that Pablo had to find a new home - I know what a heartbreak that can be - but how exciting that you have a new kitty to love - and how exciting that Thomas has a new playmate!
Erin looks like an absolute sweetheart - I am looking forward to seeing LOTS of pics of her (and seeing her delight in discovering all of the "toys" in your workspace!) She sure looks like an Ocicat to me!
Hugs to you all!
I am sorry to hear about Pablo. Erin is lovely and I think she is a Ocicat. Dont thinks she is a Mau cause she has no necklace though that could just be the pictures. I am so keen to know though.
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