Tuesday 23 June 2009

My First Blog Award

Wow - How exciting!! I've received my first Blog Award from Janny. Thank you so much for this Janny, I've only been blogging since April and I am so pleased to have received this award.

Now, this award comes with some rules...

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted it to you, along with a link back to their blog.

2. Pass the award on to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered.

3. Remember to contact (post) the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. Have fun...

Well, as I've only be blogging since April, all of the blogs I visit are newly discovered!!!

So here's who I am passing this award onto...

Sam at http://samsbits.blogspot.com/

Kate at http://catoscraftycorner.blogspot.com/

Sarah at http://fluffscreations.blogspot.com/

Kat at http://havingameday.blogspot.com/

Judith at http://poppycottage.blogspot.com/

Adele at http://dillydallydingle.blogspot.com/

Claudia at http://rosaswelt.blogspot.com/

Elaine at http://quixoticcards.com/

Sarah at http://stressedstamper.blogspot.com/

Kim at http://kimpiggott.blogspot.com/

Rach at http://papercraftsbyrach.wordpress.com/

Sarah B http://wwwcardoasis.blogspot.com/

Nikki at http://bunny-zoes.blogspot.com/

Lilian at http://colortopaper.blogspot.com/

Michelle at http://donkeysmiles.blogspot.com/

Thank you ladies for welcoming me to Blogland and for making my time here fun and inspiring.


Penni X


Samantha Mellor said...

Penni thanks ever so much for this lovely award it truly is an honor as I too have only just begun my journey into the realms of blogland and so this is very touching.
Please give your furry babies a big kiss from me.Hugs SamXX

MarkerGeek said...

Ahh, thank you Penni! :)

Stressed Stamper said...

Thanks Penni - honoured

Lilian said...

Aw, thanks for thinking of me Penni! I am humbled and honored. Have a greta day!

Nikki Fairbairn said...

Congratulations on receiving your award Penni and you are a sweetie for passing to me :-) Big Hugs, Nikki x

judith@poppy cottage said...

Thank you Penni for this award, sorry for the delay in replying, I've been unwell. It means a lot to me that you thought of me when giving this award. You're a star! Judith x