Hi everyone.
I've just upgraded my Crafter's Companion Ultimate to the Ultimate Pro and was wondering what to do with my now spare Ultimate.
As it will be Pablo's 3rd Birthday on 6 September, I have decided to celebrate by giving the Ultimate away as Blog Candy!!!!
As it will be Pablo's 3rd Birthday on 6 September, I have decided to celebrate by giving the Ultimate away as Blog Candy!!!!

Included in the Candy:
Original Crafter's Companion Ultimate, with tools (used, but as new)
The Ultimate DVD - which has over 2 hours of video projects, tutorials, tips & inspiration
I will also include a selection of card & paper
(Please note "Lazy Cat" Pablo is not included in this giveaway lol!!!)
So, what do you need to do to be in with a chance of winning this prize:
1. Post a link to my Candy on your blog (a sidebar link will be fine).
2. Leave me a comment.
Also, if you would like to become a follower that would be nice too, but it is not compulsory.
I will post internationally, so this candy is open to all.
The draw will remain open until midnight (UK time) on Saturday 5 September 2009.
I will pick a winner by random number generator and announce the winner on my blog on Pablo's Birthday, 6 September 2009.
Good Luck!!!
Hugs & Purrs
Penni & Pablo
Well, would you believe it Pablo and I share the same birthday, although I do have a few years on him.. lol*
Great Candy give away Penni.
Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment on my blog - I was having a moment! - and you really helped to boost my confidence
Caroline xxx
O my gosh!!! pick me pick me, i've been umming and arring over one of these for absolutly ages!!! even tried to pursuade the hubby2b but no luck! i shall hop over to my blog and shout about it from the candy tops! (tho can i not whisper!!! haha) hugs carly xx
Oh your cats are beautiful, but having a mad terrier, probably a good job Pablo's not included in the candy LOL!
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway, have put a link to it on my blog.
All the best & Happy Birthday Pablo
Jan xx
Hi Penni & Pablo :o)
Gorgeous candy! Thank you for the chance to win. I'm already a follower and I've put a link on my sidebar.
Teri xx
Oh Pablo is a handsome guy!!! I just want to scratch his head and give him love ;)
I was of course a bit disappointed that Pablo wasn't included ;), he's the cutest ever!!! But please count me in anyhow :)
Awwwh, and I thought the kitty would go along.... :/ Okay, maybe my own cat and the dog might not have appreciated an addition to the family - but he is just soooo gorgeous with those spots of his!
I'll send him some mental tuna for his birthday ;) And I added you in my candybar - and of course, I was already a follower ^_^
What a lovely generous way to celebrate Pablo's day. Gorgeous pussy cat and gorgeous candy. Thanks for the chance to win. XXX
Happy Birthday to Pablo! What a handsome chap he is - and he looks like he knows it too!!!!
I am offereing some candy too - actually first time I have done this so would welcome any critique or advice about it!
Love and hugs
happy birthday blog
http://sharonsfamilylife.blogspot.com/2009/08/lazy-cats-cards.html posted on my blog allready following thanks for the chance
Now that is some sweeeeet candy! Thanx for the opportunity ... posted a link on my blog!
hiya penni,
isnt pablo just the cutist xxx
ive put link on my blog and happily become a follower.
sandra xx
WOW! I want it! :)
Natasha from Russia :)
Very cool candy, although I *was* hoping Pablo would be part of the package! He's so cute!
I linked you in my candy jar here: http://imzadi481.blogspot.com/
Oh my god! This present is very very fabulous!! I love that. Thank you for this beautiful birthday candy!! You are very generous.
I am french so sorry if there are wrong write =(
thanks for this chance to win this fantastic ultimate.
Penni and Pablo thank you so much for a chance to win. I have heard a lot about this and would love to own one. Have posted your candy in my side bar.
Hi, Happy Birthday to your cat...I have added your blog candy to my side bar...http://creationsbyjulie.blogspot.com/
and have become a follower.
Thanks so much...
Happy Birthday to your cat Pablo!
Thank you chance.
Hugs Deb
Happy Birthday Pablo. I was just talking about this Ultimate DVD this weekend. Thank you for the chance to save me some money !!
I am going now to post you to my sidebar.
I am also giving away candy if you interested.
Penni I've only popped in to wish Pablo a very happy birthday, he is sooooo gorgeous, a really beautiful cat, I'm so jealous!!!
Hi Penny
How beautiful Pablo is - many happy returns to him. And - he shares my father's birthday, who is 90 that day. I have popped a link in my blog.
Already a Happy Birthday to Pablo! :)
Lovely work at your blog!! And someone, somewhere will be very happy with your GREAT cand!! I can only dream it's me... :)
Sweet greetings,
Saskia :)
**you are at my yummy candy-bar**there's some 'summer candy' at my blog! Feel free to take part!!**
Hallo Penny,
Deinem Pablo alles Gute, ich liebe Katzen, hab auch einen schwarzen Kater, lach.
ein tolles Candy, tat ich gern gewinnen, ahhh.
Bin ein Follower und verlinkt hab ich es in der Sidebar.
lg gila
Oooohh!!! Love it! I have posted a link in my side bar! My fingers are crossed. happy Birthday, Pablo. Meow!
Thanks for the chance to win such a great candy.
I've added a link to my sidebar.
Hugs, Kiki
Hi Penni, Pablo is a very handsome cat. What a wonderful generous way to celebrate his birthday. Thanks for the chance to win.
cheers Annie
i love cats, and Pablo is so sweet! Wish him happppppy birthday!!
Pablo is sooo cute - i have a budgie and his name is Pablio..
I hope he has a great birthday :o)
Pablo happy happy birthday !
wooow ! What a Candy. Sure i have linked you to my sidebar. Thanks ! Joyce
I hope Pablo has a great birthday, I have a feeling he will be spoiled lol.
Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy - I've linked you to my blog candy side bar :-)
Hi Penni, Happy Birthday to your Cat!
Hi Penni, happu birthday to Pablo, I love the pattern on him, it looks so great! :) Thanks for joining my candy, I have added your candy to my sidebar! :) Have a great week (and -end)
Hugs Ida
Your Cat's Spots are just so Great I think all cat's are lazy ... as I turn around to see mine asleep and SNORING lol thanks for the chance and I've added you into my sidebar
hugs Nikki C
Hi!I have posted a link in my side bar!Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win. I've added your link to my sidebar.
what a nice candy!
I linked back in my sidebar
this is a original candy =), thakns a lot for the chance and i wish a nice happy birhtday to pablo , the leopard or cat? =P , thanks for being so generous .
hugs and regards from peru
shew, NICE candy not available in SA so i would just think i had died and gone to heaven.
PS: will link in a side bar
Now that is some sweeeeet candy!
I had a cat named Pablo, he had stripes. I have posted a link on my blog and am now a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Penni,
great candy. Pablo is so sweet,. I like cats a lot!
Thanks for having the chance to win.
What a Candy! I`ve linked you on my Sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win! Hugs, Marina.
Happy birthday to Pablo .. miauuu !!!!! I'll do for your cat the most beautiful card in the world!!Bisou ,TuKara from Tunisia.
Woow!!!!!! happy birthday your cat Pablo!!! Just follower and post your candy in my blog!!!
Hi! lovely blog candy!! thanks for the chance to win :) Im put yout link in my blog!
Here is my blog.
I invite you to my candy"Tunezyjskie candy"!! You need to send a postcard to my address, write a comment beneath the post in your blog and give information.Bisou TuKara from Tunisia.
Hello! Great candy! I link you candy in my sidebar: http://svedimma.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hi Penni, Pablo is such a lovely cat!! I just love cats as well. Hi bd is a great occasion for a candy, so I will try my luck to win. I just linked you and am a follower as well from now on.
Love from Switzerland
Fantastic Pablo!!!! Egiptic Mao (i think)?
Very beautiful cat!!!
Great candy!
Thank you for the chance to win!!!!
Linked it on my sidebar. Welcome to my blog http://karysoltany.blogspot.com/
Thanks and hugs...
Hi Penni,
fantastic candy! Thank you for the chance to win. I posted a link on my sidebar.
My blog
Hi Penni
my favourite colour lol.
I would love a chance to win your blog candy and I am now a follower.
tracy x
hi, Penny
Happy Birthday for the 6th, Pablo
Thanks for the opportunity to win. I so hope I am lucky enough to win!!!
I follow you on Google Reader and I have added a link to your candy to my sidebar.
Happy 3rd birthday to Pablo and thanks for the chance for this blog candy :o)
Love to take a chance to win this fab price!
Hug for Pablo! XX
"Meow, meow, meow" Happy Birthday to Pablo...he is one handsome kitty!!! He reminds me of my grandkitty, Dexter!
Thanks for the chance to win such sweet candy..I've posted a link on my sidebar and signed on as a follower.
Great CAndy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pablo!! Fur Babies are important to me, so I will celebrate with you! I will gladly link you, and thanks for the chance!
Wow! What a fantastic offering! Appreciate the chance... fingers are crossed!!
What great candy!!!
Need I say more.
I have posted your link
here on my blog.
Shucks! Wish I could have Pablo! J/K. Pretty kitty! Thanks for the chance to win!
Great candy! Lovely work at your blog! I`ve linked you on my sidebar and I am now a follower.
What a great candy :) I'm already a follower, because I love seeing your creations. I've linked you up on my sidebar at http:beingkaren.blogspot.com
Have a great day :)
...what a great candy...I´ve linked your candy here:
I am a follower too....;););)
great candy!!!
I linked here
Muy lindo blog !!!
Muy lindo candy!!
Saludos desde Argentina!
Fabulous Candy, would love to win !!!
my blog http//andrea-dolcemia.blogspot.com
Delicious candy :)
Happy Birthday Pablo!
Hi penni,
I linked back, so sorry about that, and thanks for stopping in and letting me know.
Please find your link
Now that is some sweet candy! Thank you for the opportunity, posted a link on my blog!
Delicious candy :) Happy Birthday Pablo!
Hugs Linda
I don't have my blog ready yet, but still wanted to wish Pablo a Happy Birthday! Such a pretty kitty...
I would love to be entered in you blog candy! Thanks for the chance!
Hi from Italy! Your cats are so beautiful, they seems two tigers! So Happy B-Day Pablo! And thanks Penny for a chance to win your candy! I' ve just put a link to my candybar and now I am a follower! See you,
Good morning! What fun to find your candy this morning! I'm a follower and will now link you on my sidebar!
Happy day and Happy Birthday, Pablo! Mew!
Hello i'm the part of this !
See you on my blog !!
Waw so fab gorgeous candy, love to win it, I linked you on my blog! Hugs,moni
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!!
I've put a link on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!
Hugs Namo.
thats a very nice candy, thanks for the chance to win this.
I put a link on my sidebar
greets Yvonne
What a fabulous candy! Thank you for the chance to win. I've put your link to my sidebar.
Pablo is a gorgeous cat, BTW, I'd love to have him too. :-)
hugs, Natasa
SO fun. What a great idea and great candy too! Linked you to my sidebar :) and I'm already a follower!
Unbelieveably YUMBLY Candy - thank you for the opportunity to play! I am off to link you to my Blog:
and would love you to visit sometime!! I am going to love following you! Thanks again for the opportunity!! God bless you!
Wow!!! How generous!!! Thank you for the chance! I've linked to my sidebar and I've become a follower...
Hello! Thank you for giving me a chance and have a wonderful day!!!
This seems like a great dvd! Thank you for the chance. I've linked you on my candypost:
ps what a beautiful kitty you have. Wish him happy bday from me :)
Happy birthday sweet Pablo! Thanks for the chance to win, have linked in my candybar :)
Happy Birthday Pablo. I have posted about your blog candy in the bar on the right side of my blog Paper Crafts, Pass It On and linked it back to you.
Wow! An awesome candy! I'd love to win this! I'll rush back to my blog, and make a link and a picture to you!
Have a great weekend! Hugs, Lena
I fixed the link in my blog, thanks for telling me
Happy Birthday Pablo!May you have a fab birthday! Wow this would be get to have. Thanks for the chance to win
Wow, the Blogcandy is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar and i'm a follower.....
I love your cats they are so sweet. Please take a look on my Blog in my sidebar. I have two cats "Luna and Sternchen" :-)))....
Happy Birthday Pablo!
Great candy :)))
Oh,your cats are beautiful! All the best & Happy Birthday to Pablo
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway, have put a link to it on my blog.
Hi, and happy birthday to Pablo :) I've put a link on my sidebar. http://studiolimonka.blogspot.com/
Hello, happy birthday to Pablo.
Great candy :-).....and great blog :-) I have linkt you on my blog :-)
Hi, very swet cat and candy too.
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway, have put a link to it on my blog.
hi thats a lovely candy!
Hello,happy birthday to Pablo :)http://en-contra.blogspot.com/
Great candy, thanks for chance to win and happy birthday to Pablo ;) ;*
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